April 10th, 1908, Al and Helen Blake brought a beautiful baby girl into their Chicago home. They named her Cassidy Margaret Blake. Along with Cassidy, Al and Helen had 3 other daughters named Sadie, born in 1907, Charlotte, born in 1903, and Stella, born in 1901. The girls were best friends. Cassidy was the trouble maker of the group. At 4, she would run down the street and got yelled at quite often. At 9, she got into a fight at school with a boy and gave him a bloody nose and a black eye. For that she got detention. As for her teenage years, Blake was one of the most popular girls in the school. She had the best clothes and all the popular guys as boyfriends. You could say people were insanely jealous. Blake was very involved in school. She was a high honor student and put herself in all the plays she could. She took part in chorus, cheerleading, and softball. In Blake’s spare time, she worked at a diner as a waitress and sang every second she could.
In May of 1925, at just 17, Blake started working at “The Green Mill”, just a short walk from her home, as a flapper dancer and as a singer on occasion. The club played mainly jazz music, but on rare occasion there was a jazz-country type of mix. There she met lots of famous people; people that others would do anything to meet. In 1926, Blake met a young girl, about 17, named Lydia Williams also working at “The Green Mill” as
a flapper dancer. Blake and Williams hit it off immediately. Soon there after, you would rarely see the girls apart. They did anything and everything together. They even lived together in the Sheridan Plaza Hotel in Chicago. A couple months after Blake’s 18th birthday, she met a guy; but not just any guy. Born Vincenzo Gibaldi in Italy, he changed his name to Jack McGurn when he came to America. McGurn was one of the famous Al Capone’s gunmen. They had nicknamed him “Machine Gun” Jack McGurn. At the time Blake and Mcgurn met, he was 23 and managing “The Green Mill” where Blake worked. The two couldn’t keep their hands off of each other when they were together. Their relationship was kept a secret though, because Mcgurn didn’t want all the publicity to be directed towards them. So, they kept it a secret from everyone and only met up after working hours.
One night in late 1927, shortly after meeting Mcgurn, Blake was filling in for an act that didn’t show up. Much to her luck, a talent scout was watching her. That night after she sang, the talent scout came and talked to her about being in musicals and possibly movies. She accepted, exchanged phone numbers, and immediately told everyone she knew. The next day, she got a phone call from that same talent scout offering her an audition that day in an upcoming musical titled “The New Moon”. She couldn’t be more excited and immediately accepted the offer. Her luck didn’t fail her and she got one of the lead parts as Marianne Beaunoir. Her career blew up and she became one of the bigger stars on Broadway. She did every musical she could, including “Strike Up the Band” in 1930, and “Face the Music” in 1932. She eventually moved on to movies, but still occasionally did some musicals. Movies she took part in included “Scarface” in 1932, and “Modern Times” in 1936. Meanwhile, before her appearance in “Strike Up the Band”, her gunman boyfriend, Jack Mcgurn, helped out with the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. He and the other gangsters murdered many people. Mcgurn was sent to jail, but wasn’t in long and was released for good behavior. Mcgurn was sentenced to parole for 7 months.
Blake tried to maintain her relationships with her family, Mcgurn, and her close friends. She wrote hundreds of letters to them when she wasn’t able to be with them. Blake and Williams had remained best friends, and Blake maintained her relationship with her boyfriend, Jack Mcgurn. They’d stayed together for nine years and were still going strong when Mcgurn got murdered in a bowling alley in 1936. When Blake and Williams went to clean out Mcgurn’s house, they found two letters; one addressed to Williams and the other addressed to Blake. They read them and found out that the entire time Mcgurn had been two timing them, with each other. The girls were enraged, but didn’t take it out on each other. It wasn’t their fault, they had no way of knowing since Mcgurn kept both of their relationships a secret. The girls still remained friends.
In March of 1937, at the age of 28, Blake met a man named Samuel Lewis, who was 31 at the time. They instantly fell in love and got married 6 months later on September
26th, 1937. The publicity sky-rocketed, but Blake was done with it. She wanted to have a normal married life without the publicity and gossip. She pulled herself out of all the Hollywood glamour and settled down in a nicer suburb in Chicago. A year after, in February of 1938, the first of the Lewis’s children was born. It was a boy, and they named him Joseph Samuel Lewis. Their second child came in June of 1939, a girl they named Elizabeth Margaret Lewis. The last of their children came in November of 1940. The Lewis’s brought into the world another baby girl named Marilyn Rose Lewis. The Lewis’s led their happy life with their three kids and their family pet; a Cocker Spaniel named Bug. In 1953, the Lewis family got in a car accident. They were hit by a drunken semi driver that hit the passenger side where Cassidy was sitting. She died instantly. Cassidy’s husband and kids survived, but got some minor and major injuries. Cassidy Lewis died on June 14th, 1953 at the young age of 45.
In May of 1925, at just 17, Blake started working at “The Green Mill”, just a short walk from her home, as a flapper dancer and as a singer on occasion. The club played mainly jazz music, but on rare occasion there was a jazz-country type of mix. There she met lots of famous people; people that others would do anything to meet. In 1926, Blake met a young girl, about 17, named Lydia Williams also working at “The Green Mill” as

One night in late 1927, shortly after meeting Mcgurn, Blake was filling in for an act that didn’t show up. Much to her luck, a talent scout was watching her. That night after she sang, the talent scout came and talked to her about being in musicals and possibly movies. She accepted, exchanged phone numbers, and immediately told everyone she knew. The next day, she got a phone call from that same talent scout offering her an audition that day in an upcoming musical titled “The New Moon”. She couldn’t be more excited and immediately accepted the offer. Her luck didn’t fail her and she got one of the lead parts as Marianne Beaunoir. Her career blew up and she became one of the bigger stars on Broadway. She did every musical she could, including “Strike Up the Band” in 1930, and “Face the Music” in 1932. She eventually moved on to movies, but still occasionally did some musicals. Movies she took part in included “Scarface” in 1932, and “Modern Times” in 1936. Meanwhile, before her appearance in “Strike Up the Band”, her gunman boyfriend, Jack Mcgurn, helped out with the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. He and the other gangsters murdered many people. Mcgurn was sent to jail, but wasn’t in long and was released for good behavior. Mcgurn was sentenced to parole for 7 months.
Blake tried to maintain her relationships with her family, Mcgurn, and her close friends. She wrote hundreds of letters to them when she wasn’t able to be with them. Blake and Williams had remained best friends, and Blake maintained her relationship with her boyfriend, Jack Mcgurn. They’d stayed together for nine years and were still going strong when Mcgurn got murdered in a bowling alley in 1936. When Blake and Williams went to clean out Mcgurn’s house, they found two letters; one addressed to Williams and the other addressed to Blake. They read them and found out that the entire time Mcgurn had been two timing them, with each other. The girls were enraged, but didn’t take it out on each other. It wasn’t their fault, they had no way of knowing since Mcgurn kept both of their relationships a secret. The girls still remained friends.
In March of 1937, at the age of 28, Blake met a man named Samuel Lewis, who was 31 at the time. They instantly fell in love and got married 6 months later on September